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Root Canal Treatment in Las Vegas, NV

Also known as endodontics therapy, a root canal treats teeth that have become so severely damaged that the tooth's nerves and soft inner pulp have become infected. We may recommend a root canal at Red Rock Dental if a tooth has become so impaired that future infection appears inevitable. 

What Is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root canals are a restorative procedure that helps save a tooth from extraction. Though they have a reputation for being painful, root canals have become much more comfortable thanks to modern techniques and anesthetics. After the root canal, the tooth will require a crown or filling to complete the restoration.

Root canals are often the preferred technique of handling substantial damage to a tooth as it saves at least part of the natural tooth. It can ensure that the affected tooth lasts a lifetime.

What Are the Symptoms That Require Root Canal Treatment?

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may need a root canal:

  • Recurring tooth and gum pain
  • A large visible cavity that affects the stability of the tooth
  • Extreme sensitivity to heat, cold, and pressure
  • A foul taste near the affected tooth even after brushing your teeth
  • Pus that drains into your mouth
  • Swollen lymph nodes in your jaw and neck near the impaired tooth
  • An abscess or an enclosed pocket of infection that has reached the jaw bone causing severe pain.

How Is A Root Canal Treatment Done? 

At Red Rock Dental, root canal therapy requires one or more appointments based on the difficulty of the case and the severity of the infection. Before performing any procedure, we will take X-rays of your mouth to determine the best course of treatment. Antibiotics are given to reduce the infection before a root canal is performed.

While the tooth is numb, a special rubber sheet will be placed around the tooth to keep saliva away. An access hole is drilled on top of the tooth, and a series of root canal files are placed into the hole to remove nerve tissue, the pulp, and bacteria. If any tooth decay is seen, it will also be extracted with special dental tools.

Once the tooth is meticulously cleaned, the roots and the inside cavity of the tooth will be filled and sealed with special medicated materials. A filling will be placed to secure the opening on top of the tooth. 

After a few days of healing, the tooth will be strengthened by placing dental restorations such as a crown. This will help safeguard the tooth and prevent it from breaking.

After treatment, your tooth may still experience sensitivity, but this will subside once the inflammation reduces and the tooth has healed. Good oral hygiene and regular dental visits will assist in the life of your root canal treatment.

Leaving a damaged tooth untreated could result in severe complications and tooth loss. Visit us at Red Rock Dental or call at (702) 243-8788 to schedule your appointment at the earliest.


900 S Pavilion Center Dr Suite 140, Las Vegas, NV 89144

Office Hours

MON - THU 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

Get in Touch

Email: office@redrockdentallv.com

Phone: (702) 243-8788

We are located in the professional office park on the SE corner of Pavilion Center Dr and Park Run Dr. We are on the south side of the building adjacent the carports.
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